After GodChapter 58
Action Drama Supernatural

“Once you regain consciousness, you and your friends will learn to fear me and obey me.” Japan has been invaded by Gods, leaving giant Danger Zones where once were cityscapes. While patrolling the area, Anti-God researcher Tokinaga discovers Kamikura Waka looking forlornly through the protective fence. In her eyes, he spots something deep and dangerous. Something capable of changing the world...

Urekko Mangaka X Utsubyou MangakaChapter 7

The story of a successful mangaka nursing a depressed mangaka to health while showering him with money and affection, and over the course of 2 years and some, making him happy. Mangaka Fukuda Yaharu (pen name Koin Aoi) started his career with some promise, but a series of rejections and failures led him to break down, ending up a depressed, poor alcoholic with health problems. Kamizono Jun (pen name Nozomi Kajun) is a highly successful mangaka from the same magazine, whose anime-bound battle manga sells millions of copies. However, from Jun's perspective, his manga is mediocre and could never compare to the sensitive artistry of his underrated favorite mangaka, Koin Aoi. Published by Eno Sumi under the name Deki Hanae.